вторник, 29 января 2013 г.

The Best Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Just by following simple healthy weight loss tips you can lose weight and keep it off. You can lose weight without starving yourself or without doing anything else extreme. Start off by implementing these ten healthy weight loss tips into your daily routine and watch the pounds drop off.

Break Bad Habits

Replace foods such as white bread with whole wheat bread and canned veggies with fresh or frozen veggies. Buy foods that have lower amounts of sugar in them. Don't eat or snack while watching TV because there is a tendency to eat more than needed. Think of other bad habits that you can break.

Take a Multi-Vitamin

Taking a multi-vitamin is very important because it helps you to get the proper nutrients. When your body is lacking nutrients you will feel tired and lack energy. This also leads to sickness.

Do Not Eat Past 7 PM

This gives your body a chance to process food and burn fat. When you sleep your metabolism slows down so if you go to sleep after you eat your body will not burn off as many calories.

Get a Weight Loss Buddy

A weight loss buddy will keep you motivated to continue your weight loss plan even when times get tough. There are even online communities that you can tap into that will help you stay on track.

Exercise Self Control and Discipline

The most important weight loss tip is to have the right attitude towards losing weight. Losing weight does not happen overnight and it does not happen without effort. Make a commitment today to stick to your plan.

Eat Small Meals

It's really important to not allow yourself to get hungry. If you wait to eat when you are really hungry, you will end up over eating. The solution or *secret* is to eat healthy fruits, vegetables, proteins, and fiber through out the day.

Don't Skip Meals

This is similar to the first weight loss tip. If you are busy make sure to have on the go food like protein bars or low calorie snacks. You can through your body off track if you skip meals. Make sure to do everything in your power to prepare so that you do not go too much longer than three hours between meals.

Get Active

The absolute best way to lose weight quickly is to get active. Try hard to fit in a cardio workout three to five times a week. If you do not have time to go to the gym, then put on a workout DVD, Fit TV, or make up your own routine. The point is to get your heart rate up for 15-20 minutes. This boost in your heart rate will help you burn more calories. You'll notice that you will lose weight quicker too.

Cut Out Sugar

Sugar is necessary for a healthy body; however, most people get way too much sugar. The sugars that should be consumed are in nutrient rich whole grains, cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Table sugar and the sugar that is in candy and chocolates are the types of sugar that do not provide any nutrients and should be a limited part of your diet.

Drink Lots Of Water

The main component of our body is water. Our bodies need water to function properly. If you are trying to lose weight it is a good idea to replace sodas and juices with water. In one bottle of juice you can easily consume 200-300 calories and 16-20 grams of sugar. Water is your best bet because it has zero calories, no sugar, and is readily available (free even).

If you follow these weight loss tips you will notice that it becomes easier and easier to lose weight and keep it off!

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пятница, 25 января 2013 г.

Eliminating Dairy Products in Your War Against High Blood Pressure

Fortunately, there are a number of options available to help reduce high blood pressure. It is a common problem and the food industry has responded well to the demand. However, it helps to understand what it's all about. For non-medical people, sometimes medical terms seem frightening and shrouded in mystery. Simply put, if blood pressure is too high it opens the way for a number of health problems that are best avoided. So to have a better quality of life it is wise to keep your pressure within the healthy range.

Nourishment is fundamental to all aspects of your health and will have an effect on your blood pressure whether you want to lower it or raise it. Being aware of this gives you more control. Knowing that when you choose low fat foods you will be rewarded with a dramatic lowering of your reading is assuring.

Of course, you will get the opposite effect when you take fatty foods into your body. Most dairy products are high in fats and these fats will end up attached to the inside of your arteries. This in turn makes it harder for your blood to get through the arteries as there is restricted space, so your heart has to pump harder. That is when your pressure rises. When this happens you are at increased risk of having a heart attack or a stroke, both of which are serious conditions. As your entire system is being nourished by blood, every single organ will also be affected, leaving you susceptible to a number of diseases.

So, what you take into your body has a direct on your blood pressure. Switching from the fat laden dairy products to the low fat options makes good sense. Semi-skimmed milk tastes more or less the same as full fat in tea or coffee. Low fat may be more detectable but you will find it quickly becomes an acquired taste.

Why not try out some tasty new recipes with low fat cheeses rather than the cheddar types. The low fat cheeses tend to be harder, so grating makes them easier to use.

Also, you can treat high blood pressure with herbs, but only with great care and preferably under professional supervision.

Improving your diet to a more body friendly low fat menu will pay dividends in a short space of time. It will not only lower your reading but should you be carrying excess weight, it will leave you looking and feeling fitter. Life just gets better and safer.

четверг, 24 января 2013 г.

I'm Reducing High Blood Pressure Naturally - Here's How You Can Too

For me, taking medication can be just as scary as having high pressure readings. So I'm reducing high blood pressure naturally using a few methods that I will share with you here.

Many of the natural options you have for lowering your pressure may be in your pantry right now. Simple items that you probably already use when you cook can be used while reducing high blood pressure naturally.


Potassium is an essential nutrient for maintaining good pressure levels. There are lots of foods (mainly fruits and vegetables) that you can use to help normalize your pressure. Here are a few foods that are rich in potassium.





Sweet Potatoes


Physical Activity

Exercise goes hand and hand with your diet. It is important to get up and active on a daily basis. Something as simple as a brisk 45 minute walk every day will help lower and maintain optimal pressure levels.

There are also holistic methods that are attributed to reducing high blood pressure naturally.


According to a new meta-analysis conducted at the University of Kentucky. Meditation was associated with approximate reductions of 4.7 mm systolic and 3.2 mm diastolic pressure.

Meditation is easy to do and can be done just about anywhere, making it a very convenient as well as affective method for reducing your pressure naturally.


Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old form of Chinese medicine. Needles are inserted at specific points on the body to help cure disease or relieve pain.

Researchers at the Susan Samuel Center for Integrative Medicine at UC Irvine found that acupuncture treatments using low levels of electrical stimulation can assist in reducing high blood pressure naturally by as much as 50 percent.

These are just a handful of options that you have for reducing high blood pressure naturally. There are probably more natural options than you ever imagined. You just need to know where to find them.