четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

How to Lose Weight Quickly

There are only a few way to lose massive amounts of weight quickly. The most foolproof is surgery. They others are pretty messy.

It probably took you years to put on the pounds you carry around. Looking to get rid of them overnight is like expecting to strike oil in your front yard. You have to remember what I call "weight loss math."

A pound of body fat (yes, that's gross) has about 3,500 calories. If you burn 750 calories per day, which is some good exercise, it would take you about 4.5 days to get rid of that pound. If you're 30 pounds overweight, it would take you 140 days. And that's assuming you aren't eating anything. You'd be dead by then.

Physiologically speaking, losing weight takes a little time. Now, it doesn't have to take years. If you want to know how to lose weight quickly, here's your answer: Reduce your net caloric intake per day significantly.

Suppose you eat 2,000 calories per day. If you cut that to 1,500 per day, and you burn 500 exercising, your net caloric intake is 1,000. If you're 30 pounds overweight, and you're starving your body of 1,000 calories per day, you should lose your weight in about 105 days. And you still get to eat! Just not as much as you want.

Four months to thinness might not sound "quick" to you, but it really isn't a long time. You might not see those results, but it's possible. Even if it took you 6-12 months, is that a problem? Sexy in under a year. Not bad.

Copyright by Roy Miller

Useful information here

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

6 Easy Tips to Help You Lose Weight on a Budget - Part 2

In today's troubled economy anything we do wrong can have a serious consequence in our budget and that happens often when people start diets. Most of the diet plans you see on TV or in the internet require expensive tools difficult to afford. So is there another way to lose weight without falling out of the wagon?

Fortunately there is or to say it even better there are. Here are 6 easy tips to help you lose weight on a budget:

1-DRINK GREEN TEA: This tea has been used in China for thousand of years for his health benefits. It contains many powerful antioxidants and as a result it increases the rate of metabolism, and therefore fat burning.

2-EAT LEGUMES: Legumes are a great food option for a healthy weight loss diet, they are low in calories, and are rich in protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients, and of course they cost little.

3-EAT EARLY: When the main meal is late in the evening it is very easy to be stored later as fat. Try and reverse this bad routine,and at night just stick to eat something simple and light.

4-CHEW YOUR FOOD: It takes 20 minute to your brain to receive the message that you had enough, by chewing good your food you not only help your digestion but you also eat less.

5-EAT WHOLE GRAIN FOODS: Eating whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, and pasta provides your body with more fiber. Fiber fills you fast and you wont feel hungry.

6-WALK LIKE WHEN YOU ARE LATE: Walking is good, but if you want to burn many calories, brisk walking is the solution is less tiring than running and puts you right into fat burning mode. Imagine yourself like if you are late at work or when you rush to catch the bus.

Read also at this site

суббота, 23 марта 2013 г.

Weight Loss Plateau Beaters - Smash Through Stubborn Fat Loss Plateaus

Is your fat loss progress slowing down? Are you stuck at the same weight, the same body fat, or the same pant size?

Inevitably, everyone comes across a fat loss plateau. For some, it sticks around longer than others, but no matter how long it lasts, a fat loss plateau is always frustrating.

According to Tom Venuto, one way to burst through plateaus is to increase the intensity of your training.

After all, if you aren't getting results, it might simply mean that your training is not stimulating your body to change (so you can't expect last month's program to work again this month - that's why the best workouts always recommend changing your program every 4 weeks).

In addition to changing my client's fat loss programs regularly, we use another training rule every workout to make sure that they are continuing to get results and avoid the dreaded fat loss plateaus.

The rule:

Try to set a personal best in each workout.

Now the personal best can be accomplished in any weight exercise, bodyweight exercise, or even interval/cardio exercise.

For example, for many of my female clients, we are often trying to set new records in different kinds of push-ups and chin-ups. Just Monday I challenged one of my gals to get 15 chest-to-the-floor real pushups. I knew she had it in her. And she did. 15 perfect pushups, smashing her old record by two. It's no surprise she has the best, leanest arms of almost any woman in the gym.

Even in my own workout today, I smashed a personal record in the flat DB chest press, getting 6 reps with the 110 pound dumbbells (my training partner and I had to drive half-way across the city just to find dumbbells that heavy!).

And even if you are having a lousy day, and don't have much energy, you can still try to set a personal record in a low-intensity ab exercise like the plank or side plank.

The great thing is that even with a normal 6-exercise strength and interval workout, there are at least 36 opportunities to set a new personal best.

First, you could set it in any of the 6 exercises.

Second, there are at least 3 ways to do every exercise. So you could have a record for regular push-ups, close-grip pushups, decline push-ups, close-grip decline push-ups, etc.

Third, you can set a repetition record or a weight record. I.e. You could aim to get 2 more reps than last week in your db row exercise, or you could use a heavier dumbbell (all with good form, of course).

So that's at least 36 possible ways to set a record with your strength training. And that doesn't even count the ways that you could set a personal best in your interval training (increasing the distance covered, the time of the interval, the speed of the interval, or the number of intervals). You can even set a new record by completing one of the bodyweight circuits faster than ever.

All it has to be is one personal best per workout. Keep a little spreadsheet at home and record your exercises, all the variations, and your rep record and weight records, and the date on which you set the record. Come back to that every week to update it and motivate yourself for your next workout.

The "personal best" rule will increase your motivation and sense of accomplishment and get you back on the fat loss track. At the end of each workout, you'll know that you still achieved progress - even if the scale hasn't changed in a couple of days.

Interesting article on the subject Springtime in London for the Nature Lover

вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

Вопреки прогнозам аналитиков недвижимость Италии продолжает дешеветь

Цены на недвижимость в Италии в этом году продолжают снижаться. Об этом ИноСтраннику сообщил представитель итальянской ассоциации риэлторов (Real Estate Network, IRA).

Еще в конце прошлого года звучали прогнозы о том, что рынок недвижимости Италии в 2010 году начнет свое восстановление, и уже к весне цены на итальянскую недвижимость вырастут на 5%.

Однако, пока эти прогнозы не оправдались.

Недвижимость в Италии продолжает дешеветь. В среднем с начала этого года цены на недвижимость упали на 1-1,5%.


Useful information лаурет сульфат натрия массаж на дому сиделка пожилому боль в молочной железе потница лечение бонни тейлор отзывы врачей о работе аппарата триомед упражнения для подмышек ходунки для инвалидов крем эмла

воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

Hydroxycut Warning Side Effects Of Hydroxycut Hardcore

Hydroxycut Hardcore is one of the best selling diet supplements on the market today with years of study, development and testing. That being said what are the side effects of this popular diet supplement. Nowadays there is nothing on the market that does not have any side effects but you have to way the good and bad you be the judge weather or not it is worth it.

Increase in blood pressure,increase heart rate, the main reason for this is caffeine so if you have a harmful reaction to caffeine products then this might not be for you. On a side note this is a product which you Do Not want to take any caffeinated products while taking hydroxycut.

Headaches light handedness and dizziness are associated with hydroxycut also when ever you are taking a supplement there these are very common because the ingredients ie:caffeine green tea to name the most common ingredients.

Loss of appetite in most cases this is not a side effect it is an advantage to taking hydroxy cut hardcore.

Feel restless and hyperactive again this in large due to the fact of the caffeine and green tea the other ingredients "which are synthetic" are designed to increase the effect of caffeine and green tea.

As in any diet supplement you have to read and follow the directions. So if you can handle these side effects and they do not bother you then it might be for you. The increase in blood pressure,heart rate and headaches are slight and if you drink a couple espressos you can get the same side effects Also its a good idea to consult your doctor before you attempt any type of supplement.

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воскресенье, 10 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — виды кредитов

Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших в России банков, входящий в ТОП-10 основных банковских учреждений РФ. На российском кредитном рынке банковское учреждение предлагает такие разновидности ссуд:

Потребительский ссуду — ссужаемый АКБ Промсвязьбанком физическим и юридическим лицам с целью покупки товаров и услуг с отсрочкой выплаты за купленные вещи, с будущим возвращением заимствованных средств и процентов по займу.

Банковские кредитки — более современная разновидность наличного кредитования, позволяющие приобретать разнообразные вещи без личного визита в АКБ Промсвязьбанк с лимитом кредита с позднейшим возвращением полученных заемных средств банковскому учреждению.

Преобладающими функциями банковских кредитных карт являются получение наличных средств в терминалах или отделении ОАО «Промсвязьбанка», а также отзывы о банках в отделениях партнерских кредитных организациях. Также банковские карты дают возможность проводить безналичные перечисления денег, а также оплатить оплату различных товаров. Заявка На Кредит.

В банке Промсвязьбанк хорошо предложено кредитование жилья. Ипотечная программа дает возможность получить жилье без вложения личных средств, за счет денег банка, с последующим возвратом полученных заемных средств под низкую ставку. В залогом может предоставляться покупаемый объект недвижимости. В тоже время, залог подлежит страхованию от разрушения, также застраховывается здоровье и жизнь оформившего заем.